1355 E. 53rd St. Chicago, IL 60615
PTF at the park
Physical Theater Festival in collaboration with The Night Out in The Parks/The Chicago Park District will present the 2021 Out door edition of the festival at Nichols Park.
Located at 1355 E. 53rd St. in the Hyde Park community, Nichols Park totals 11.48 acres and features a gymnasium and a multi-purpose room. Green features of the park include a community flower garden, community vegetable gardens, and Wildflower Meadow. Outside, the park offers two playgrounds, a baseball diamond, walking path, and a sandbox.
On July 31st Physical Theater Festival will be present in multiple spaces. To download our PTF Map click here or on the map.
The day starts with "Ancestral Procession" on the PERFORMANCE AREA at 2pm. At 4pm "She Pick the Speed" and at 6pm" Mindful Manipulations" will be performed at the MAIN STAGE.
Please note that the RESTROOMS will be on the fieldhouse (8 walk min from the main stage).