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From the creators of "Hominus Brasilis"; "The Woman Who Dreamed" is a theatrical experiment that mixes gestural, audiovisual, narration, animated forms and music to bring to life an universe inspired by fantastic realism to its audiences. Everything happens live, on a virtual interactive platform, where the audience feels close and can participate. This event will be followed by a Q&A moderated by Carla da Silva.


The work tells the story of a woman who, being born and raised too quickly, perceives time and herself in a different way. She finds herself immersed in a world where choices are made all the time and when she finds herself without choices, she decides to dream and look inside her self. Within the dream / life, she realizes the relativized time, the pain and the joy of confronting one's self. At the end of that journey, she wakes up with a big surprise.


“The Woman Who Dreamed” appears in this pandemic moment, when the artists realized that the theater could continue to exist, but in another way. The provocation is that the art of the encounter happens, in fact, in those minutes, using specific resources for the digital platform, which could not be transposed to a theater stage. Each session is unique, formed by the human beings who are there, on that day, at that moment, and it is impossible to be reproduced.




Cia de Teatro Manual was born in 2011 when Helena and Matheus - both bachelors in Performing Arts at Unirio - went to London to attend the Professional Development Program, a specialization course offered by the London International School of Peforming Arts. In 2013, Rio de Janeiro actor and director Julio Adrião joined Cia with the aim of contributing to the deepening of language, the work of the actor and the scene. "Hominus Brasilis" was the company's first work and marked the beginning of its trajectory in the theatrical scene, with great success from audiences and critics. In 2014, Hominus Brasilis received nominations for the Shell Award for Best Direction and the Cesgranrio Award in the Special Category, for researching the scenic space through the Platform. In 2015, the Company was invited to participate in the creation and performance within the “Cronistas do Rio” Program, of the TV Municipal of Rio de Janeiro MULTIRIO. In each episode, a chronicler from Rio de Janeiro was honored, and Cia de Teatro Manual told, dramatically, a famous chronicle of the writer in question. Ten episodes of the series were made, which aired on TV MultiRio and Band Rio. In January 2018 Cia premiered the children's show “A menina e a Árvore”. In May 2019, “Vermelha” premiered, which held two seasons in 2019, in Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, also participating in the Second ATACEN Theater Show. Throughout its history, the Cia de Teatro Manual has represented Brazil at the Chicago Physical Festival 2016 (USA), Beijing Comedy Week 2107 (China), FETI - Festíval Efímero de Teatro Independiente 2017 (Argentina) and FITA - Festival do Teatro do Alentejo (Portugal).




Carla  da Silva has been attending the Physical Festival since 2015.  Since  moving to the US in 2007, she has volunteered in several cultural  organizations and co-organized a wide variety of Brazil-related  events. Carla is a board member of the Illinois Chapter of Partners of  the Americas and a teacher at Chicago Public Schools.

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