Popol Se Ha Ido
The Show:
We shut our eyes to sleep, to kiss, when scared, when making an effort, when the food is to acid; our eyes are shut when we die.
Dr. Indre brings her most exciting case to the stage: a patient who has lived in chaos for too long, unable to organize his thoughts or memories. Recovery will only occur if the audience allows Popol to relive his journey: a journey through madness, revolution and solitude….
Popol was a lighthouse keeper in the Dead Sea. He lost his job when the lighthouse became mechanized. Meanwhile, Iris, the girl who runs the restaurant nearby is left alone. Popol is gone.
The show is experienced as a living dialogue between the stage and the audience. Two performers, a pepper, torch, record player, glass of water and other simple objects animate and transform the story and the space.
Through a series of playful and inventive interactions you are guided through Popol’s real and imagined journeys from Dr Indre’s office to the Black Sea and beyond.
The show is performed in Spanish and English; this introduces a new flavour to the play, and a layer of magic intimacy. The Spanish moments are translated with a creative use of subtitles, projected on the set.
The Company:
DeCollage was founded in 2004 by artistic director Juan Ayala. The company makes collaborative devised work that simply and skilfully combine the ingredients of music, mime, text, set and lighting to shape each production.
DeCollage is more than a theatre company, it is a space of intersection where the work of each of collaborator complements and completes the whole.
DeCollage brings life and breathe to the stage through the telling of new stories. We create a theatre that is accessible and generous to the audience, a theatre made with no material resources, which can easily travel, move and adapt to different spaces.
Decollage brings together collaborators from different geographic and artistic origins, to date this includes actors born in Madrid, Paris and California, mime artists from Mexico and Uruguay, puppeteers from the Basque Country, musicians from Japan and Italy, and an opera singer from Belgium!

Photo by Federico Sancho

Photo by Itziar Matxain